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sunnuntai 5. lokakuuta 2014

Syyskävelyllä teknologiakylässä

Teknologiakylässä on kiinnostavia arkkitehtonisia yksityiskohtia.- In the techonogy village of Oulu there are interesting architectural details  - LINK: Texture Tuesday

7 kommenttia:

  1. Don't know what you did there, but I like the effect.

  2. Very pretty - I like the color contrast of the blue and orange!

  3. Grat composition and processing!

  4. I love the interesting architecture combined with the fall colors.

  5. Wonderfully done. Love the orange and blue combination. Love the reflections in the glass.

  6. The combination of the vivid colors against the backdrop of the window panes is striking. The subtle reflections and texture give this picture depth and beauty. Reminds me of an autumn walk in the city.
